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165 Garrard Road Unit 1A

(289) 275-8422


Covid-19 – Alerts, Services & Safety Measures




We sincerely hope that you, your friends and family are all well. We are currently living through an unprecedented situation that is impacting people and businesses across the world. We are taking recommendations from the Public Health Agency of Canada and provincial health authorities very seriously to ensure the health and safety of our staff and our clients while minimizing business disruptions and we continue to monitor this ever-changing situation.

Judokaa Dive Center is still open for business. Here is what we are doing to ensure your safety:

  • The store is equipped with hand sanitizer and gloves to ensure optimal sanitation for all of our clients
  • Surfaces are continuously being disinfected
  • We’re paying extra attention to disinfecting all high-touch areas like countertops, door handles, and debit and credit machines
  • We ask that purchases be made via debit/credit card instead of cash
  • In addition, for the safety of all people involved, we will deny access to non-diving family members or friends accompanying the divers, in order to reduce assembly of people in the dive center.
  • The health and well-being of our clients and staff remains our highest priority. We encourage our clients and staff to practice good hygiene and stay home should they feel any symptoms related to Covid-19.
  • The staff present on the premises will be limited to those strictly necessary to carry out activities.
  • The prevention measures taken by the Center will be displayed and made clearly visible.
  • As advised by DAN, all registration forms are available online and must be filled before visiting Judokaa Dive Center. If this is not possible, please make sure that correct personal hygiene procedures are respected, before completing the forms (masks, gloves, alcohol wipes for all shared writing instruments, hand sanitizer, etc.). Regarding payment, we welcome the use online methods (bank transfer, Paypal or similar) or credit cards, rather than using cash.
  • The WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends that people keep at least a 1 metre / 3 feet distance from each other. This also applies to Dive Center premises, including classrooms and changing rooms.
  • Please note that Judokaa Dive Center offers e-learning or remote teaching.

Please Email or call our Dive Owner-operator for any assistance at tel:(905) 626-0300 or judokaascubaclub@gmail.com. Click Here to download the registration form


Equipment rental is handled with particular care, especially considering the responsibility of Judokaa Dive Center in case of possible contamination. Therefore, these are some guidelines followed by Judokaa Dive Center:

  • Rental equipment is disinfected as indicated, after each use, with particular attention to regulators, BCDs, snorkels and masks.
  • Rental masks need to be fit-tested by each diver before use, which implies
    disinfection after each test. We encourage customers to bring at least their own mask.
  • Our areas designated for returned rental equipment are kept separate from areas where disinfected equipment is stored.
  • Customers are prevented from entering the area where disinfected equipment is stored to prevent infection. All gear will be brought out to customers.
  • All rental equipment are transported in individual containers, marked with the customer’s name.
  • Once disinfected, storing masks, regulators and snorkels are put in closed bags, to be removed before use.
  • We request that customers do not touch the cylinder valve outlet or regulator inlet when assembling and disassembling their scuba unit.


Dive boat operations should be handled with extreme care: where people come into closer contact with each other, as the risk of infection increases significantly. We encourage divers and employees to always follow indications provided by the competent authorities.

 Here are some general recommendations:

  • Ensure that physical distancing is respected also when on board.
  • Avoid taking any unnecessary material on board that is not needed for
    safety reasons or underwater operations.
  • Load the equipment on board when it’s already assembled.
  • Staff handling materials and equipment will wear gloves and a protective mask.
  • Ensure that masks, snorkels and second stages of preassembled equipment are protected, e.g. protecting them with bags to be removed only before use.
  • Do not use buckets to rinse masks: rinse them in open water instead.
  • We strongly discourage the use of saliva to defog masks: preferably use defogging products.
  • Even when distancing rules are respected, while the boat is moving and due to the effect of the wind, droplets may travel a longer distance. It is therefore advisable that all passengers wear a protective mask. We ask all divers not to touch other people’s equipment.
  • Make sure you have hand sanitizers available on board.
  • Make sure distancing rules are respected also when divers enter and exit the water. Respecting distance on surface may be difficult in the presence of current: the use of tag lines or lines secured to a floating buoy, with spacing indicated with tape or colour bands may assist in maintaining the appropriate distances.


Distancing rules should be respected also in relation to the following operations:

  • Buddy Checks: divers should be reminded to avoid touching other divers’ equipment, especially those parts that come into close contact with the diver’s face and mouth. A visual buddy check should be carried out, with self-demonstration and verbal confirmation.
  • Gas sharing: both in case of emergency and when performing drills, it is recommended to use an alternative gas source and avoid donating the regulator from which the diver is breathing.


Guidelines provided by dive training agencies on these subjects may vary. Make sure you know and respect the latest guidelines issued by Judokaa Dive Center.


Here are some useful recommendations on how to intervene, whilst protecting both victim and rescuer from potential infections:

  • Ensure that the rescuer, the victim and all other people on site are safe.
  • Ensure that all PPE is being worn and that a protective barrier is used.
  • Evaluate consciousness by shaking or stimulating the victim without approaching the face.
  • Determine if the victim is breathing by simply observing chest movements.
  • The rescuer’s face should not come close to the victim’s face. If the victim is unconscious and not breathing, alert Emergency Medical
    Services (EMS) describing the situation and start chest compressions without rescue breaths/ventilations.
  • Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), if available.
  • Continue with rescue operations until the victim has resumed normal breathing, the rescuer is exhausted, or EMS arrives.
  • Once rescue activities are completed or the victim handed over to EMS, carefully remove PPE and dispose of these according to local instructions. Wash hands carefully. Medical devices used on the victim should be disinfected after use, if possible, or disposed of following correct procedures.